Another day full of deep thought and reflection...
The more I learn about Rwanda's economy the more I am fascinated with the importance of maintaining ours. Yes, we are going through our own crisis but we are currently fundamentally far better off than most. In Rwanda there is no middle class. From my limited understanding, the taxes on businesses are so high that it is nearly impossible for an entrepreneur to start his/her own business here and succeed which only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. I am pro-rich, if it is a result of hard work, and think it is wrong to force rich people to have to support the poor. But, in this case, the lack of opportunity for an individual to better his or her own situation and that of their families, regardless of how hard they try is discouraging. Basically, the government is a dream crusher. (I'm sure it's much more complicated than that but that's all I got!)
It's only day three and the state of this country makes we want to be more involved in ours. We've got a good thing going and need to protect it. Maybe I'll run for President...Vote Kate Kelley 2032 (just kidding, that is not making the list)
Other than all that political bs, found a great church, met some cool people, and had indian food.
Hope your dreaming sweet, KK.