One of my wonderful family friends recently asked me what exactly I do for work here because, to quote her, according to my blog, "it doesn't seem like you are doing any work at all." I'm sure she is not the only one who has that question or thought so, here you go....
I work for two organizations, one called As We Forgive and the other called PLP (Peace and Love Proclaimers). For AWF, I am in the process of building out activities for Jan-Apr 2010, creating our programs and determining the best strategy for implementation throughout Rwanda. At this time, due to funding, we are only working on a four month pilot program. Together with the Rwandan team, we are writing proposals for each of the projects. Once completed, we send to the Managing Director in DC and she goes after additional funding. I am responsible for editing all of the proposals and building our financial model for the next four months as well as through 2010.
One of the projects I am completely responsible for is our AWF Radio Show. I wrote the proposal and am now going after endorsements as well as free air time. When people actually get back to me, I have meetings with radio managers, Senators and hopefully the First Lady soon. The radio show will be hosted by the PLP guys but based off of the seven principles of the AWF LivingTogether Guide. Without getting into too much detail, the purpose of the show is to provide an open forum for the people of Rwanda to voice their opinions regarding the countrywide reconciliation efforts. By creating an environment where individuals can speak freely on such topics, the show will promote unvarnished communication that will stress the importance of sincere resolution and open dialogue. Likewise, the show will give individuals the opportunity to hear and comment on the opinions of respected Rwandan officials and community leaders. Although the show will specifically target the secondary school demographic, the content discussed and the guest interviews and appearances will cater to a much broader audience. Through this media, AWF and PLP hope to further the efforts of the existing reconciliation projects through open and honest communication resulting in a more unified and reconciled post-genocide Rwanda. (Yes, that is directly from my proposal...edits welcomed)
With PLP, I am the International Coordinator of a Walk to Remember. This event will be hosted in Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and the UK this year. It will take place on April 7th. The purpose of the event is remind people, particularly the youth, that genocide happens and the steps necessary to prevent it. We are still in the process of planning but our goal is to give people the knowledge necessary to stop these things before they start. We will educate them on the eight stages of genocide: classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination, and denial. My personal goal is to stress the classification and dehumanization aspects of genocide because, unfortunately, everyone can relate to those. When people stop looking at others as human beings just because they do not look or act the same way, we have a problem. Yes, it's a big mission but I do think it is possible. We just have to empower youth for a change. My job with them is to coordinate all of the meetings and make sure that each country is on the same page in terms of message, materials, etc. With the creator of the event, Marc, I am writing our materials - exec summary, equivalent of a biz plan, financials, and sponsorship deck. Over time, we intend to have a walk on every continent. US will be 2011. Aside from Walk to Remember, I am assisting in the process of getting them registered as a 503c, designing their website and re-working some of their material.
So, that's what I am doing. I am definitely not as busy as I was but I am loving what I am doing. Everything has a purpose and it is rewarding. This small country could change the world someday and it's exciting to be a part of it.
P.S. I woke up this morning with that thought that I am staying until mid-April (be home for Easter). After all this work, I want to be a part of the walk...that being said, we shall see!
What the WTF? I thought you were playing pro ball over there... making the superstar pay! Do work Kate.