Ok, so, as you may have noticed, I have not been writing in my blog at all lately. I apologize!! I'm sure you're all at the edge of your seats everyday to hear the latest of Kate's life in Rwanda (kidding, Paula!) But, all joking aside, I have not been great with keeping in touch and I promised I would. To make up for it, I am going to bombard you with blog posts. So much as been going on that I haven't had the time to sit down and just write.
In the interest of saving you time and not boring you to pieces with a rambling books worth of content, I am splitting up the posts...you will see the headings, Update 1, 2, etc. That way it will just make sense and they will be short(er) reads…
Basically, I have been doing so much learning here that it's just unbelievable. I never in a million years expected to have these experiences and I have no idea what God has planned for me but I think it is more than I ever imagined (otherwise, He is really just toying with me).
Anyway, most important parts of this update are: 1) I'm alive; 2) I'm sorry; 3) I'm shocked how busy I am and how much I'm learning; 4) I really do love you all more than you would think given my absence from blogging; 4) Thank you Jesus for rising from the dead today to save us from ourselves; 5) The Easter Bunny did NOT come or he did an exceptionally fabulous job this year hiding my basket.
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