Sunday, November 22, 2009

Standardized times.

Started studying for the GRE today and got my first questions right which is super exciting and all I needed to continue...

I made the big decision that I am going to take it in September 2010 (I think)...going for my MS in Counseling and Mental Health but still feel the pressure to combine it with an MBA so may have to do GMAT too. Who knows?! Every time I have an extended amount of time to pray and meditate, I always come back to counseling and my Home for Hearts concept...ahhhh, I have so much I want to do!!!

Please note that playgrounds in Africa and Home for Hearts are on the list, which means it will get done - maybe not for a ten years but I wrote it down so now I have to do it in my lifetime.

Other than the above, I got my first sunburn today! f-er. I got it walking from church..not bad but totally avoidable. I always miss a spot which you would think at 25 wouldn't happen anymore! Whatevs...aside from that I have a big week ahead of me, lots of meetings and heading to Tanzania Wednesday. I didn't realize that Thanksgiving was this Thursday!! We are having a big dinner here, actually getting a live turkey...doing it the old-fashioned way. I'm bummed that I am going to miss it! I really should have planned better but when I'm away from home the days just become a blur and I have no concept of the date.

Time is passing quickly but talking to Mom and Reilly on skype last night made me sad for the first time in awhile...makes me want to be home. (No one really believes me but if I didn't force myself to do these things I would be quite content sitting on my mom's lap (whatever, don't judge me) for the rest of my life…)

Lots of love

P.S. Cannot wait to see New Moon.

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